Best of: Film-Related Podcasts


When life hands you laundry or a long car ride, when you are forced to close your Netflix tab, stow your laptop, and trudge through the real world, podcasts are here to wean the film geek off of visual content, at least for a little while. They’re a beautiful 21st century opportunity to pay even less attention to the strangers on the sidewalk next to you. Here’s to you, beautiful antisocial millennials; a curated list of film podcasts here to save your data plan from mid-commute Hulu benders. Enjoy.

1) For the Pop Culture Polymath: Those who like smart, broad analyses of films, television, and pop culture at large.

Pop Culture Happy Hour NPR - A weekly overview of the latest in films, television and pop-culture events. It’s highbrow in the mold of any classic NPR show, marked by the high-value production audiences have always appreciated, but with a notable willingness to have fun with the content it covers.

Slate's Culture Gabfest - A slightly academic take on all things pop-culture, which occasionally strays into more esoteric territory, the Gabfest is at once enjoyable and hard hitting; thoughtful radio in a digestible package.

2) For the Movie Jock: Those casually interested in movies, more of a fan than a critic or creator.

Filmspotting - Filmspotting is a chatty and jovial film-oriented variety show, featuring reviews, interviews, and Top 5 lists. It’s like the platonic ideal of friends discussing film over beers in someone’s basement; both welcoming and informative.

Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso - Fragoso’s smooth style produces intelligent, thoughtful interviews with filmmakers, while avoiding jargony inside baseball. Fragoso’s youth makes him particularly relatable to a younger audience of film lovers.

3) The Auteur: Those whose friends have all been forced to be in their films on the weekends, and already have shelf space for their forthcoming Oscars.

Fighting in the War Room - A general brawl in podcast form, Fighting in the War Room satisfyingly pits blockbuster film fans against snide film academics. It’s enjoyable no matter which side you’re on.

The Broken Projector Movie Podcast - An interview-oriented show put out by Film School Rejects, for those who love to get into the nitty gritty of filmmaking.

4) For Those Who Ironically love Sharknado: No explanation necessary.

How Did This Get Made? - Each week, the hosts watch a terrible movie and good humoredly walk their audience through its many sins.

5) Should’ve Gone to Film School: Those who can’t get enough of film history and theory, do far more critiquing than they do admiring.

You Must Remember This - Each season tackles a different era in Hollywood’s history, getting into the often shocking details      of the movie business’s seedy underbelly.

Denzel Washington Is The Greatest Actor of All Time Period - Though it might seem niche, and indeed, in some ways it certainly is, Denzel Washington Is The Greatest Actor of All Time Period uses the titular actor as a platform, meticulously dissecting his body of work while simultaneously tackling Hollywood’s issues with race.

6) The Awards Junkie: Is still rushing to see Moonlight before the Oscars.

Little Gold Men - An overview of the films vying for the spotlight this Awards season, interviews the year’s most popular performers, and acts as a general quick guide for anyone who wants to remain in the know.

7) Fake It ‘Til You Make It: Of course you’ve seen Casablanca. Shut up.

The Important Cinema Club - A podcast for the ignorant film buff, The Important Cinema Club is inviting and informative, walking listeners through a wide variety of directors and their films you probably should’ve seen by now. Perfect for condensed, informed comments to pull out at cocktail parties.


Interview: A Monster Calls


Scorsese’s Silence and Kurosawa’s Dreams